If you prefer buying ebooks directly (without opening an account) you can pay via PayPal by sending the amount to mip@minkowskiinstitute.org. Your ebook(s) will be emailed to you either immediately or after some delay depending on where in the world you are (this option is operated manually). Description: This book fills a gap in the literature. So far there has been no book which deals with inertia and gravitation by explicitly addressing open questions and issues which have been hampering the proper understanding of these phenomena. The book places a strong emphasis on the physical understanding of the main aspects and features of inertia and gravitation. It discusses questions such as:
October 19, 2019: new printing -- an Appendix ``On Relativistic Mass'' is included, some notes and references are added and noticed typos are corrected.
The physical (paper) book can be ordered from (for more options see): 1, 2 March 2014; 28 February 2014; 16 November 2013; 18, 21 October 2013; 3 September 2013 - Inertia and Gravitation is a bestseller in section Gravity in Germany: 15 November 2014; 1-3 March 2014; 13 February 2014 - Inertia and Gravitation is a bestseller in section Gravity in France:
10-11 November 2014; 17 September 2014 - Inertia and Gravitation is a bestseller in section Gravity in Canada: