If you prefer buying ebooks directly (without opening an account) you can pay via PayPal by sending the amount to mip@minkowskiinstitute.org. Your ebook(s) will be emailed to you either immediately or after some delay depending on where in the world you are (this option is operated manually). Description: This is a new publication of Louis de Broglie, New Perspectives in Physics, translated by A. J. Pomerans (Basic Books, New York 1962). The reason for the new publication is to make this truly unique book available again. In it one of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics writes about the story of the advent of quantum mechanics in great detail, about his discussions with Einstein on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, about the history of science, about great French scientists and about other important subjects such as scientific education and popularizing science. The very informative Foreword by Aurélien Drezet makes the book even more valuable.
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