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    Tobey Gross, Power Dynamics and Emotional Intelligence: Simplified Perspectives. A Handbook on Scientific Foundations and Principles in Language Proficiency, Communication and Social Psychology (Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal), 103 pages.

ISBN: 978-1-998902-40-8 (ebook) - $7.00
ISBN: 978-1-998902-39-2 (softcover) - $17.00

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Published on 16 January 2024

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The 81st book published by Minkowski Institute Press:

This handbook serves as a supportive resource for higher education courses in communication sciences and language proficiency. While it is not intended to be exhaustive, it focuses on theories and concepts, that I, through my own experience in higher education, find especially valuable.

The understanding and application of the knowledge in this book have repeatedly shown to contribute to the aforementioned fields.

The domain of communication is fast-paced and ever-evolving, as well as it plays a significant role in a myriad of scientific fields, such as psychology, general language education or management.

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