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    Anguel S. Stefanov, Gregorie Dupuis-Mc Donald (Editors), Spacetime Conferences 2022.

Selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the Sixth International Conference on the Nature and Ontology of Spacetime, 12 - 15 September 2022, Albena, Bulgaria  

(Minkowski Institute Press, Montreal 2023), 236 pages.

ISBN: 978-1-989970-97-3
ebook: $7
ISBN: 978-1-989970-96-6
softcover: $18.70

Published on 17 March 2023

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This volume contains original contributions made at the sixth session of the Minkowski Institute international conference "Nature and Ontology of Spacetime." It continues the ambition of debating open ontological and epistemological problems in the philosophy and physics of spacetime. In this volume, topics covered include the reality of Minkowski spacetime ontology, the nature of time, quantum gravitation, inertia and relativistic phenomena, as well as aspects of the mathematical structure of the special and general theory of relativity. The volume will be of interest to students in philosophy of science, researchers in spacetime physics, and to any reader who wants to study contemporary issues and debates in modern philosophy and physics.

Amazon Kindle ebook

The physical (paper) book can be ordered from: coming soon

The picture on the front cover - most participants of the conference:

Front row (from left to right): Georgios Kallidis, Hiroaki Fujimori, Svetla Petkova, William Giovanni Jimenez Senzano, Anguel S. Stefanov, Gregorie Dupuis-Mc Donald, Sho Fujita, Jerzy Golosz

Second row (from left to right): Marko Vojinovic, Marcoen Cabbolet, Gall Alster, Vesselin Petkov, Robert Rynasiewicz, Dan Shanahan, Bruce M. Boman, Maire Shanahan, Branko Kovac