As Minkowski Institute has changed its domain (.org => .com) Minkowski Meetings' site is:
Hermann Minkowski Meetings on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics
The meetings are held in the famous resort Albena (near) Varna on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

The famous resort Albena - a paradise on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
Third Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics, which will comemorate the 115th anniversary of Minkowski 1908 lecture "Space and Time," and will be held on 11-14 September 2023
Second Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics, which commemorated the 110th anniversary of the publication of Minkowski's lecture "Space and Time" in 1909 that presented the groundbreaking ideas of spacetime, was held on 13-16 May 2019.
First Hermann Minkowski Meeting on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics which comemorated the 110th anniversary of Minkowski 1907 talks, was held on 15-18 May 2017.
In 1907 Hermann Minkowski gave two groundbreaking lectures:
- The Relativity Principle - lecture given at the meeting of the Gottingen Mathematical Society on 5 November 1907.
- The Fundamental Equations for Electromagnetic Processes in Moving Bodies - lecture given at the meeting of the Gottingen Scientific Society on 21 December 1907.
To mark the 110th anniversary of these talks, which presented the novel ideas and the mathematical formalism of the four-dimensional physics of spacetime (summarized in Minkowski's famous lecture Space and Time a year later), the Minkowski Institute initiates a biennial series of meetings - Hermann Minkowski Meetings on the Foundations of Spacetime Physics.
These meetings bring together experts on the foundations of spacetime physics as well as beginners in the field. In addition to technical papers on areas related to Minkowski's contributions to the foundations of spacetime physics and on modern ramifications of his ideas, contributions on closely related topics will be also welcome - for example, on the history behind the discovery of the spacetime structure of the world (e.g., on Max Born's recollections) and on conceptual issues.
Hermann Minkowski's work reported in 1907:
5 November 1907: Das Relativitätsprinzip.
21 December 1907: Die Grundgleichungen für die elektromagnetischen Vorgänge in bewegten Körpern. English translation: The Fundamental Equations for Electromagnetic Processes in Moving Bodies.
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